We hold these truths to be scientifically verifiable: That any human being who is able to be grateful for the compassion necessary for its own existence are created equal. That the interfaith movement gathers not to be free from laicity but to protect, foster, support, and sponsor the compassionate diplomatic compliance between specific sets of beliefs, even if atheistic.
The United Nations international rule-of-law along along countless world standards compliance charters dictates that responsibility-to-protect and governance mandates be enforced upon laic and faith-inspired organizations to safeguard dignified crosscultural familial diversity inclusivity and accessibility. So let our prayers and meditations inspired by the Occupy Wall Street bless our world's candidity.
We believe we are imbued with as many laic and faith-inspired institutions with the same inalienable rule-of-law solidary peacebuilding and freedom of culture duties and rights to foster ethic humanitarian sustainable prosperity development, among them a guaranteed living wage income regardless of employment. So we beg for the whole world to comply with and fund the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDG).
We pray for academies of laic-compliant historiographic interfaith-basement with courses in every area of human knowledge, crosscultural creativity compliance networks, peacebuilding literacy, using open-source technologies as immutable human rights and UNESCO world heritages because education, euthenic health practices as sports, and artscrafts are crucial and there are already countless unused, public and private, laic- and faith-based, investment hedge funds and ventures to afford such a audited accountable program of traceable reliability engineered harm-reduction welfare productions jobs creation without any dimnishing of the current markets share.
We pray that the crosscultural development and cognitive work markets realize how international labour unions with transparent glocal respectful wages and healthy worktime rates and conditions encompassing social welfare from sustainable peaceful housing, healthcare assistance, recourse to the law, ecomuseologic curatorship, crafts instruction with job positioning, creative commons copyright flexibility for the poor, growth of cultural apparatuses, and the access to the public as spectators and producers in artistic development makerspaces are utmostly essential for the creation of a peacebuilding humanitarian pedagogic environment that may improve significantly the immaterial heritage safeguard and creative industry.
We breathe world culture so that we pray for the urgent transition from a mere profiteering hegemony to a planetary laic-interfaith environment with rule-of-law compliance, consumption harmonization education, green logistics, peacebuilding humanitarian services growth, refugees relief, programmed-obsolescences recycling, solidary and charitable workforce continued instruction, laic-interfaith diplomacy, cultural developers wage progressive equalization, payments for media consumption experiments, online solid control-version workflows, neurodiversity, ancestral-modern popular-academic interfaces, neurodivesity nourishment, traditions heritage safeguard, because the United Nations System need a firm civil base.
We pray for the review of the 1945 United Nations Parliamentary Assembly (UNPA) world community participation on the organization proposal, which now could be also a transparent online platform, because it seems that it supports the 1948 Universal Declarations Of Human Rights (UDHR) minimum standards.
We pray for enterprises to comply to the United Nations Business Compact in order to stablish a safe transparent audited accountable financial and governance economies of their own projects to evaluate fair trade institutional standards compliance policies and international consensual jurisprudential instances.
We pray for an international freedom of religion based on world standards in accordance to human rights and sustainable development compliance charters transparent compact with incentives to national adhesion including standards of protest against injustice and response to them.
We pray for spirituality's faith-inspiration, religious faith-basement, and laicity crossculturality duties and rights because of the mass injustice happenings inside institutions and between them to the minorities in them, which differentiate vastly among them so that we pray for the United Nations System governance to consolidate its laic-interfaith mandates to offer elected officials transparent safe choicemaking in cultural issues under transparent accountancy and auditorship to keep sponsoring laic-interfaith world heritage safeguard.
We pray for cultural development corporations and instances to find flexible scalable solutions other than censorship and hegemonic profiteering marketing because they can foster small markets to fill the needs they can't fix we may not claim nor order nor democracy. For that we also pray for transparent audited news organizations in the name of free speech and peer-reviewed consented standards content rating systems for parental advisory.
We pray for the end of quackery with the creation of an alternative therapies compliance rating system and alternative cultural jobs creation including the analysis of laic and faith-inspired practices as vegetarianism to human mental and physical health because unregulated practices predispose communities and their crafts to prejudice and persecution.
We pray for harm-reduction charitable solidary emergency response and pedagogy services urgently to responsively and respectfuly restore the most needing ones their dignity with their ecosystems.
We pray for agroecological urbanism as the sustainable development of capitalism reconciliation with the democratic welfare state rule-oflaw among historical restitution fair claims. Let us meditate upon it. We pray for the data-analysis of all our claims to see if any of their normal distributions get to 99%.
For this mean we pray for the peacebuilding coordination of world interfaith agencies and its agents safe healthy labour conditions under compassionate peer-reviewed scientific methodology compliance.